Whether your hair and skin seem lackluster or your immunity is at an all-time low or you are suffering from tummy troubles, pumpkin seeds benefits can come to your rescue. Pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita pepo, Cucurbita maxima) were discovered by Mexican archaeologists back in 7000 B.C. These seeds were used to treat urinary and prostate problems and tapeworm infections.
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Pumpkin seeds are called a superfood because these minuscule seeds contain many essential minerals like copper, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and manganese(Read more: 6 essential nutrients which are important for your body). They are packed with antioxidants and provide good quantities of vitamins A, K, B, and E. They also contain adequate doses of potassium and sodium. Pumpkin seeds are very good for hair, skin, and overall physiological well-being.
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6 Remarkable Pumpkin Seeds Benefits
Pumpkin seeds owe their ability to cleanse your skin to the high amounts of zinc, fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins E and A present in them. Here are some of the advantages of consuming pumpkin seeds regularly for your skin:
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(1). Pumpkin seeds benefit to moisturize your skin naturally
Ditch the creams and toxic lotions and hug the wonders of this natural moisturizer.
What you need:
- Pumpkin seeds: 1 cup
- Butter: 1 tablespoon
- Beaten egg: 1 piece
What you have to do:
Take one cup of grounded pumpkin seeds and mix them with melted butter. Beat the egg very well and blend it with the mixture of pumpkin seeds and melted butter. Apply this paste on your skin and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. wash your face with cool water when it dries.
Pumpkin seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids which help to keep the skin moisturized.
If you have any skin allergy then do a patch test before applying this paste to your skin.
Read also: How To Moisturize Your Face Naturally
(2). Fight Acne: Benefits of pumpkin seeds for skin
Zinc includes mineral that possesses anti-inflammatory properties and pumpkin seeds are packed with zinc. This element can reduce scarring and redness caused by acne.
What you need:
- Pumpkin seeds (sprouted/raw/roasted)
- Milk (optional)
What you have to do:
- Enjoy a handful of sprouted, raw, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day.
- You could mix grounded pumpkin seeds with milk also. Drink it every day to fight acne.
if you have indigestion problem then just make sure to chew pumpkin seeds very well.
Pumpkin seeds benefits for hair
Pumpkin seeds contain many nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, iron, and L-lysine that improve hair quality and growth. Here are some fabulous hair benefits that pumpkin seeds offer.
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(3). Boost hair growth: Benefits of pumpkin seeds for hair
If you have hair falling problem them pumpkin seeds are the best solution for this problem.
What you need:
- Pumpkin seeds(sprouted/raw/roasted)
- Pumpkin seed oil (optional)
What you have to do
- Enjoy a handful of sprouted, raw, or roasted pumpkin seeds in your daily routine.
- Massage your hair with pumpkin seed oil, leave it on overnight, and wash it off the next day.
What does it work:
Pumpkin seeds contain two high packed nutrients such as iron and L-lysine, which helps to control excessive hair shedding.
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(4). Prevent dandruff: Benefits of pumpkin seeds for hair
If you are tired from chemical-based shampoo’s then pumpkin seeds are the best alternative for shampoos. although these shampoos contain zinc also but are also full of chemicals that can harmful to your hair also. So better try a natural way.
What you need:
- Pumpkin seeds ( sprouted/raw/roasted)
- Pumpkin seed oil (optional)
What you have to do:
- Enjoy a handful of sprouted, raw, or roasted pumpkin seeds in your daily routine.
- Massage your hair with pumpkin seed oil, leave it overnight, and wash your hair the next day.
What does it work:
Zinc prevents and treats itching, irritation, and flaking associated with seborrheic dermatitis.
Pumpkin seeds benefits for health
Pumpkin seeds help to keep you healthy. Here are some benefits of pumpkin seeds for general health.
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(5). Improve prostate health
Pumpkin seeds are packed with mineral, zinc. Which is very helpful to improve prostate health.
What you need:
- Pumpkin seeds(sprouted/raw/roasted)
What you have to do:
- Enjoy a handful of sprouted, raw, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day.
What does it work:
A high level of zinc lowers the incidence of prostate cancer and promotes prostate health.
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(6). Improve digestive health
Pumpkin seeds are a great source of fiber(Read also: 21 high fiber foods list you must eat) and it is essential in keeping your gut in good shape. (fiber contains 5.2 grams of fiber per ounce )
What you need:
- Pumpkin seeds (sprouted/raw/roasted)
What you have to do:
- Enjoy a handful of sprouted, raw, or roasted pumpkin seeds every day.
What does it work:
Fiber aids regular bowel movements and prevents conditions like high cholesterol, gastrointestinal disease, constipation, hemorrhoids, and irritable bowel syndrome.
Pumpkin seeds are high in calories so avoid overindulging them. Make sure that the pumpkin seeds are fresh and chem them very well to void indigestion.
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