How to lose a pound a day Losing weight can be an annoying and long process. According to doctors, the healthiest way to do this is to lose no more than 0.5 to 1 kg per week [1]. However, if you absolutely must lose a lot of weight in a…
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Various types of pregnancy can negatively influence the normal course of the gestation process. For this reason, we recommend performing adequate control during this stage. When the gestation stage begins, there may be many doubts, mainly when it comes to a new mother. This stage requires various care and control…
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Have you ever heard about the wonderful quinoa? Quinoa is a whole grain and one of the superfoods. And quinoa is one of the world’s most popular healthy foods. Do you know why? Because not only is it high in protein, but it contains all the essential amino acids. Let’s…
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Apitherapy. Have you heard about apitherapy, honey? We will discuss briefly in this article that what it is and what are the advantages. Yes, apitherapy comes from the word alternative and therapy. This means apitherapy honey is an alternative therapy that comes from honey. In simple words, it is the…
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Foods That Will Increase Your Energy Levels Lack of energy can cause several problems during your day. If you are a working person an ideal situation for you is to work with full energy and determination. There is one point in the day where you will feel the lack of…
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Yoga And Meditation For Grieving At the time when someone is grieving, it is natural for them to seek comfort. So that they can come to terms with what happened to them. They need to find peace and it is important they do that at the earliest. In times like…
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What Is Coronavirus? Symptoms, Treatment And Prevention Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses known since the 1960s, which can infect humans and other animals. Human coronaviruses are common worldwide. They usually cause mild to moderate respiratory illnesses. It is estimated that up to 10% of common cold cases…
How to repair liver damage? The function of the liver is to filter toxins from the body, process nutrients, and help the body fight infections. Although it is a strong and resistant organ, certain factors can damage it, including alcohol, drugs, inflammation, medication and poor nutrition. Unlike other organs, the…
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Pregnancy can be an overwhelming experience and can bring a dramatic shift in any woman’s life. Becoming a mom is not limited to you anymore but also to love, health, care, and devotion to the little one. When it comes to the physical state of the body, it is necessary…
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Most of the time the lips are resected for causes related to the environment or habits that are harmful. However, dryness and cracking of the lips may also be due to slightly more complex health problems. The reasons why the lips are dry are varied and most of them have…
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The easiest natural remedy for cleansing the body Why you need to drink lemon water in the morning?. Find out from this article, as well as the most correct recipe for its preparation. Lemon is a powerful healing fruit that has phenomenal antibiotic, antiseptic and anti-cancer properties. Lemons are rich…
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Thе Zеrо Bеllу Diet has аttrасtеd a lot оf fоllоwеrѕ bесаuѕе оf its рrоmіѕе оf hеlріng уоu lose fаt in your bоdу іn a matter оf weeks, еѕресіаllу іn уоur аbdоmіnаl аrеа. Crеаtеd bу David Zinczenko, this dіеt plan is fеаturеd іn his book Zero Bеllу Dіеt. Hе is bеѕt…
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Middle-aged and older people often complain about their back pain. In the first age category, the ailment often occurs due to constant sedentary work. At a more advanced age, radiculitis and osteochondrosis are added. Patients talk about their problems at an appointment with the attending physician. Only after that, they…
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Colon cancer is one of the most common malignant neoplastic diseases. In Israel, about 2,200 new cases of the disease are diagnosed each year. Colon cancer can occur in people of any age. It is most common in the age group of 50 to 70 years, almost equally in men…
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Diseases of the digestive system in children may have a genetic, viral, bacterial or unknown origin. It is important to be attentive to the symptoms to remedy in time. Diseases that affect the digestive system of children can occur in any organ that makes up this apparatus. The food we…
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Depression and anxiety during pregnancy and after childbirth: frequently asked questions Depression and anxiety that appear during pregnancy or at any time during the first year after the birth of your baby are medical conditions. These feelings are not something you caused by doing or not doing something. And they…
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Although agoraphobia means fear of open spaces. But the term more specifically describes the fear of getting caught without a practical and simple way to escape, in case you have an anxiety attack. The agoraphobic tends to avoid potentially anxious situations, such as leaving home, using public transportation, shopping or…
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Angiomas, known as red moles. In medical practice, it is customary to refer to formations of a benign nature. Which consists of lymphatic or blood vessels. Their appearance is due to the impaired functioning of either the circulatory or lymphatic systems. They form during the entire period of a person’s…
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10 Tips To Lose Weight Naturally Tons of tricks have been implemented, thousands of home-made remedies have been tried but have they been able to help you to natural weight loss? For a major proportion of the population, the answer stands no. But not anymore. We have you’ve read enough…
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Thanks to its expectorant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties, honey is one of the best natural ingredients against the flu. Find out how to prepare 3 effective honey remedies to treat the flu naturally. When the season changes, the risk of getting the flu increases. So we should all have a…
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