Thanks to its expectorant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties, honey is one of the best natural ingredients against the flu. Find out how to prepare 3 effective honey remedies to treat the flu naturally.
When the season changes, the risk of getting the flu increases. So we should all have a few effective natural options on hand for the whole family. In this article, we share with you some honey remedies to treat the flu.
Did you know that natural honey is a powerful antibiotic? Thanks to this healing virtue, this food is an ancient remedy to strengthen the immune system and fight diseases. Let’s see some of these recipes.
Benefits Of Raw Honey For Skin, Hair and Over All Health are countless. To get more health benefits of honey include in your daily routine diet.
Honey bees, a natural antibiotic
Honey is a very nutritious food that has been shown to have very powerful healing effects in the case of the flu virus. This is very important for treating this disease because antibiotics only fight bacteria, not viruses.
Also, this food is an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. Indeed, it has prebiotic properties and improves cardiovascular functions. Depending on the type of honey and its floral and geographic origin, its nutritional values and its main properties may vary.
However, in general, it can be said that this food is rich in vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, amino acids, proteins, and enzymes. Among other components beneficial to health.
Honey and cinnamon remedies
The first honey remedy to treat the flu is very simple to prepare. Also, its taste is delicious. It is enough to mix honey with powdered Ceylon cinnamon to obtain a creamy preparation that acts as a syrup.

In this recipe, the properties of honey are added to those of this variety of cinnamon. It is distinguished by its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal qualities. Also, thanks to this mixture, we manage to stimulate the organism and overcome the exhaustion characteristic of the flu.
- 4 tablespoons powdered Ceylon cinnamon (60 g)
- 4 tablespoons raw honey (80 g)
Preparation and dosage
- Mix the 2 ingredients and store them in a tightly closed jar. If the honey is very hard, you can heat it in a double boiler.
- Take a tablespoon each day on an empty stomach. And, in case of flu, a tablespoon half an hour before each meal.
Garlic macerated in honey
The second of our honey remedies to treat the flu is a maceration with raw garlic. There are many health benefits of garlic. Garlic, which contains allicin, is very powerful in fighting viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. On the other hand, it is excellent for preventing cardiovascular disease.
It is advisable to prepare this remedy to prevent the flu or to take it as soon as the first symptoms appear. In this way, we strengthen our immune system, relieve symptoms and speed up healing.
- 10 garlic cloves (150 g)
- 7 tablespoons of honey (140 g)
Preparation and dosage
- To start, peel the cloves of garlic and cut them into strips.
- Then put them in a jar with the honey.
- Macerate this mixture in a cool, dark place for a week.
- Take a teaspoon on an empty stomach. Or if you have the flu, you can take up to 5 teaspoons throughout the day if you do not feel any digestive discomfort.
Honey remedies: Orange, ginger and honey syrup
Finally, we offer you a syrup to prepare yourself simply and inexpensively.
In this case, we will add orange peel, rich in vitamin C, which helps during respiratory diseases and increases defenses in general. Also, we add ginger to it. A slightly spicy spice that gives the body a lot of heat and is useful in cases of fever.
- The peel of 2 organic oranges
- 1 teaspoon of powdered ginger (7 g) or a slice of fresh ginger (10 g)
- 6 tablespoons of honey (120 g)
- 2 cups of water or orange juice (500 ml)
Preparation and dosage
- Boil the skin of the oranges and the ginger in water for 30 minutes.
- Then add the honey and let it boil for another 15 minutes. Filter and let cool.
- Store in a jar in the fridge. During the flu, take 3 tablespoons a day without meals.
You now know these honey remedies to cure the flu. Also, they act as preventive treatments to strengthen the defenses. Remember that the best medicine is good prevention.