Various types of pregnancy can negatively influence the normal course of the gestation process. For this reason, we recommend performing adequate control during this stage.
When the gestation stage begins, there may be many doubts, mainly when it comes to a new mother. This stage requires various care and control of specialists to develop properly. However, on occasion, it may be that for some reason, the pregnancy complications and results in some of the various types of pregnancy that exist. We will present the most common.
Types of pregnancy
Periodically controlling pregnancy will detect any complications that may exist and take the necessary measures in time. Therefore, it is essential to know the types of pregnancy that can occur and how we can detect them.
Molar pregnancy
Molar pregnancy is directly associated with the gestational trophoblastic disease. This is a group of disorders that have in common the proliferation of gestational trophoblast. This usually has the same functions as the physiological trophoblast. Which is responsible for producing placental hormones, such as human chorionic gonadotropin, tissue and vascular invasion, and distance migration by blood [1].
Ectopic pregnancy, one of the types of pregnancy that can occur
According to kidsrush.com, this type of pregnancy is defined as the blastocyst’s implantation outside its normal place. The diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is usually not easy to determine. It is essential to continuously monitor and communicate the various symptoms that may occur. Which will be essential to avoid complicating the mother’s life.
Among the most common symptoms are menstrual delay, subjective pregnancy symptoms, abdominal pain, and dark blood spots [2].
High-risk pregnancy
Doctors consider it a high-risk pregnancy. When the prognosis, both of the mother and the fetus, is suboptimal, compared to a normal pregnancy. It can be diagnosed utilizing continuous control. Where the attending physician can identify the risk factors before or during pregnancy.
Among the most common perinatal problems, we find perinatal asphyxia, congenital malformations, infections, and prematurity. The mother may be due to hypertensive syndrome of pregnancy, obstetric hemorrhage, pregestational maternal diseases, or infections.
Heterotopic pregnancy
This type of pregnancy is the combination between an intro and extrauterine pregnancy. The risk factors are the same as those that may occur in an ectopic pregnancy. They are mainly related to patients exposed to assisted reproduction techniques. Who has a pelvic inflammatory disease, previous surgical interventions in the salpinges, or a history of having suffered an ectopic pregnancy…
Multiple pregnancies, one of the most common types of pregnancy
It is considered multiple pregnancies when more than one fetus develops simultaneously inside the uterus. This type of pregnancy is considered high risk. Mainly due to the increase in maternal-fetal complications. This is why constant prenatal control and greater care during birth are required. The incidence of multiple pregnancies increases with ovulation inducers.
How should prenatal control be?
It is vitally important that the mother be aware of how her prenatal control should be to avoid or determine any anomaly that may occur in time. Among the measures you should take, we highlight those:
- Prenatal control should begin in the first trimester of pregnancy. At the time, when pregnancy was diagnosed. Preventive actions, health measures should be determined and possible risk factors detected.
- Perform a periodic check. This will depend on the level of medical, psychological, and social risk.
- The attending physician must carry out prenatal consultations. Where he will be able to verify the general condition of the mother. The development of the pregnancy and the controls must be performed according to the gestational age.
- During the control, demographic aspects such as the mother’s age should be taken into account. In case of being under 17 years of age or over 40 years of age. if your occupation requires too much physical effort if you have a weight less than 45 kg or a size less than 150 cm, among others.
- Constant control during the stage of pregnancy will identify any anomaly and quickly determine any of the types of pregnancy that may occur. Published By Healthzigzag.com