How to fight allergy with natural remedies: For many, spring is synonymous with headache, nasal congestion, sneezing, cough, itchy eyes … We show you how to fight allergy and avoid its symptoms. Spring is a very beautiful season where everything blooms and the fields look like colorful canvases. However, for…
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We have all felt upset stomach and indigestion or dyspepsia from time to time, after eating or drinking. This condition is usually not a cause for concern, and symptoms can often be treated using home remedies. Common symptoms of upset stomach and indigestion include: heartburn or acid reflux sickness abdominal…
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The 50 best natural remedies for common health problems (some delicious, all effective) Natural remedies are no longer a complement to drugs. For more and more people, the best way to combat – and prevent – diseases of modern times is with some doses of nature. It is significant that,…
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Reverse hair loss with 3 home remedies Many people suffer from abundant hair loss. But can this be treated with home remedies? Finding a way to reverse hair loss naturally is the dream of many people who are still unaware of the cause of this problem. Occasionally, hair loss may…
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5 natural remedies for inflammation Inflammation weakens our immunity, makes us feel tired and increases the likelihood of serious illness. According to Harvard Medical School, a process associated with a chronic inflammatory response plays a central role in the development of serious diseases. Including rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, heart disease, diabetes,…
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3 teas to relieve stomach ache faster Drinking mint tea, mallow or melon seeds can be useful to relieve discomfort caused by pain or burning sensation in the stomach, because they have soothing properties that act on the digestive system, reducing pain. While the individual has pain and burning in…
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The easiest natural remedy for cleansing the body Why you need to drink lemon water in the morning?. Find out from this article, as well as the most correct recipe for its preparation. Lemon is a powerful healing fruit that has phenomenal antibiotic, antiseptic and anti-cancer properties. Lemons are rich…
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Remedies to cure a dry throat Although the term “dry throat” is fairly self-explanatory, the term can refer to different types of discomfort, such as itching or irritation, which can cause difficulty swallowing, pain, feeling of being dusty at the back of the throat or altered taste [1]. Dry throat…
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Today we will discuss 16 natural methods and remedies that can help you get rid of a cold. All these time-tested tools work efficiently and quickly, so you can feel better the very next day. 16 natural methods and tools that can help you get rid of a cold When…
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How to treat cracked facial skin The skin of the face is particularly sensitive to difficult climatic conditions, to the drying caused by certain facial cleansers as well as to other irritating factors. The skin can dry out, flake and crack. It may be helpful to know some home remedies…
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Natural anti-fatigue remedies Fatigue, both moral and physical, affect most of us during seasonal changes or periods of overwork. It can also occur in case of bad habits. Here are natural solutions to counter them. Royal jelly Royal jelly is well-known for combating physical and rational fatigue. It also…
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Remedies To Calm Your Dry Cough Naturally Cough is a natural reflex that allows the body to reject foreign bodies such as dust or viruses. Protecting the airways, cough can have several causes. It may be a reaction to an environmental factor or drug treatment. Cough can also be…
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A rash under the chest is described by irritation and redness that appears under the breasts. Such an eruption can appear because of a poorly fitting bra or excessive sweating below the breasts. It can be in the form of skin that peels, blisters, irritation or red patches. Fortunately,…
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This ailment usually develops either in the 2nd or in the 3rd trimester. When a woman gets into a family way, in the pregnancy, she is most likely to suffer Gestational diabetes. When she reached in her second and third trimester. A lot of women go through this condition when…
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