Dream of beautiful hair and strong nails? Begin personal care with proper nutrition. First of all, it is worth including in the diet products containing silicon and sulfur – it is these microelements that affect the condition of hair and nails. Silicon and sulfur are found in seafood – mussels,…
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How Much Water Should You Drink? Water is present in all living things. We know how important it is to drink 2-2.5 liters of water per day. However, many argue that this is too much. By the way, the need for water is a purely individual concept. But everyone will…
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Some Useful Tips to Avoid Diseases Many people, even more of a young age, experience more and more issues with chronic ailments. Such as autoimmune diseases as well as cancer. The body is just another kind of system possessing its strengths, but also weak points as well. So, when the…
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10 foods against stress Prolonged stress ends up weakening us. To recover and overcome it, we need to replenish the substances that help produce the neurotransmitters of well-being. Stress is a physiological response to a real or imagined threat. In situations of stress, the body prepares to fight or flee,…
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Beauty is known to require sacrifice. And an attractive, fit figure is daily efforts and certain restrictions in your diet. By having a healthy diet you can be fit. What products should be removed from your own menu in order to stably keep yourself in good shape? A slender body…
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Does carrageenan disrupt the health of your intestines? You could eat this additive that disrupts your intestines every day. Here’s how to identify carrageenan and why you’ll want to avoid it. You will find carrageenan’s in all types of products, from canned pizza highly processed to kefir without dairy products,…
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The Healthy Breakfast Recipes For Your Fitness Diet Chart: For Fitness Freaks To Implement Quick Weight Loss! Just like said, all the fitness freaks must consider consuming breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a beggar. Hence, Breakfast should never be skipped as it is the…
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Benefits of Avocado for Skin You must have heard the fact that avocado is a superfood for weight loss, but apart from that, it is also a boon for the skin. Avocado has many benefits, if you use it as part of your daily diets, such as a skin massage…
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14 steps to break sugar addiction Simple Steps to Stop Eating Sugar more than anything else, nutritionists point to excessive sugar consumption as the reason why most people are unable to maintain a healthy diet. Eating sugar excessively is caused by a need for a “reward”. That’s because sugar stimulates…
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7 Amazing health benefits of zucchini The zucchini full of nutrients is perfect for summer meals when it is in season. It is considered a “fruit-vegetable” because if we tend to catalog it as a vegetable because it is not sweet, zucchini is a fruit, just like a tomato, avocado,…
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Properties and benefits of pistachios Pistachios, in addition to being very rich, can be cooked in sweet and savory recipes. Pistachios are very beneficial to our health and we should not neglect their nutritional properties. In this post, HealthZigzag shows you what are the benefits of pistachios and why you…
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5 Best Green Salad Recipes The green salad, this culinary humbug that takes place very often at lunchtime for female individuals. It remains, too often, recommended for a balanced meal in low calorie … But for me, I’m hungry, brothel nuts! Seen as the “dietetic” food par excellence, hating it…
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5 Homemade Salad Recipes Rich In Protein Proteins are fundamental to our bodies. They are involved in the formation of muscles and bones and are very important for the production of red blood cells, antibodies, and enzymes [1]. When we do not include enough protein-rich foods in our diet, we…
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10 Breakfast Ideas: Less Than 100 Calories Chocolate bread or croissant? Muesli or banana? As many questions as we sometimes ask when we want to eat light in the morning. It can not be repeated enough that breakfast is the first meal of the day, but most importantly! Why?…
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We are told that it is aphrodisiac, antistress and packed with nutrients. But what exactly is maca powder? We eat it, we drink it, and for what? Health Zigzag tells you all you need to know about a superfood that is good for all sauces, or almost! What is…
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How to make baked banana chips? Light, gourmet, and energetic chips? It’s possible. Beat your traditional fried potatoes for banana chips, healthier and just as delicious. Cooked in the oven, they allow using less oil than in conventional recipes. You will only have to brush your banana slices with a…
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Fruits are an important part of a healthy and balanced diet. Yet, too many received ideas circulate about them: can we consume them at will? Are some fat burners? Are they too sweet? In this article, find out all the information you need to consume fruits to lose weight and…
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How to prepare a perfectly balanced salad? With the beautiful days, the desires of salads flock! Simple and fast to prepare, salads are a cheap and gourmet way to prepare a balanced meal quickly. But precisely, how to compose a complete salad? What are the essential ingredients of a perfectly…
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The health benefits of garlic Rich in vitamins (A, B, C, E), antioxidants, sulfur compounds, calcium, potassium, zinc, selenium, allicin (a super-powerful natural antibiotic), garlic is a plant that appears tops the list of the family of superfoods and nutraceuticals, these food-drugs! In this article, we will discuss about…
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Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. It is a non-caloric organic substance, essential to our metabolism and not produced by our body [1]. It is soluble in water (water-soluble ) and, as a result, is rapidly eliminated in the urine [2]. Daily consumption of this water-soluble vitamin…
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