Vaginal pimples are lesions on the skin of the female genital area that is usually generated by hair removal. However, there are other, more complicated, and less benign origins. We will tell you. The female genital area is a very sensitive and delicate part of the body. That is why…
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How to Be Mindful with Your Skincare Routine Having in mind the fact that the skin is the largest organ of our body, it would be natural to pay great attention to a skincare routine. However, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we often work mechanically throughout our…
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Symptoms of cysts on the breasts Not all lumps that appear on the breasts are carcinogenic. However, maintaining control of these bumps is very important if we want to ensure our health. Generally, small lumps of fluid may appear to block the mammary glands. Although most are usually benign. If…
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Why do my breasts itch Itchy breasts are symptoms that many women experience at some point in their lives. And, given their condition, it is normal to wonder what this symptom is and why it appears. The skin of this area of the female body is very sensitive and most…
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How to remove blackheads The presence of blackheads can indicate hormonal disorders and alterations in the production of natural oils. We tell you how to prevent and eliminate them naturally. There are a wide variety of home treatments that help eliminate blackheads. Although there are products on the market for…
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5 ways to hydrate your skin Today we are going to discover some ways to hydrate your skin, focusing on the facial skin, a delicate and continuously exposed area that needs special care. The most essential thing to hydrate your skin accurately is to be steady with the formulas you…
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What is acne? Acne vulgaris or juvenile acne, popularly known as blackheads and pimples, one of the most common skin diseases in the world. Estimated that up to 85% of adolescents have acne to some degree. Despite being more common in adolescence, up to 10% of people over 50 complain…
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Atopic skin produces itching, redness, and lesions that appear after scratching. The symptoms worsen in the winter due to the cold weather and the lack of humidity in the environment. Having atopic skin means, in fact, suffering from a disease called atopic dermatitis. It is a chronic inflammatory pathology that…
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How to use salicylic acid for acne Topical salicylic acid is one of the main natural agents that exist to fight acne. Thanks to its composition, this solid and colorless acid penetrate the skin to remove dead cells and clean the pores in-depth. Which is why it is considered a…
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Most of the time the lips are resected for causes related to the environment or habits that are harmful. However, dryness and cracking of the lips may also be due to slightly more complex health problems. The reasons why the lips are dry are varied and most of them have…
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As science progresses, the definition of rhetoric is changing. Not only cream, lotion, but moisturizing makhani and airbrush makeup kit is also enough now, it has added more beauty therapy. All these therapies are non-invasive, but the skin does not have to be cut, but the results are great! Likewise,…
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