Recommendations on coronavirus for people with asthma
Control of asthma in patients with asthma is essential for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic. Asthmatics are a risk group that must take particular precautions.
Coronavirus can cause anything from mild symptoms to severe and even fatal respiratory illness. What, then, will be the recommendations about coronaviruses for people with asthma, according to what is currently known about the virus?
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What is known about the coronavirus?
The SARS-CoV-2 virus, whose disease is known as COVID-19, is a new coronavirus, as it had not been detected before the outbreak was reported in Wuhan (China) in December 2019. Its novelty means that the recommendations are constantly updated as the virus becomes more widely known.
The disease is spread by close contact with an infected patient through the respiratory droplets which are generated when a person coughs or sneezes, or through saliva droplets or nasal secretions.
Coronavirus disease manifests itself, in most cases, with a mild form that presents fever, cough, and sore throat. Or it can progress to the most severe form and cause pneumonia with respiratory distress. Sometimes it can be deadly.
Elderly people and people with some associated diseases – such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma – appear to be at higher risk, these would be the risk groups.
What is asthma?
Asthma is a relatively frequent disease, affecting both the adult population and children. Asthma usually begins during childhood.
It is a chronic disease of the respiratory system, where there is irritation of the bronchi as a consequence of various environmental stimuli. These stimuli include plant pollen, smoke, emotions, laughter, exercise, and some medications. Sometimes it is not possible to discover the stimulus generated by the irritative response.
The symptoms will give are cough, a feeling of tightness in the chest, wheezing or feeling of shortness of breath. They can appear quickly, in the form called an asthmatic crisis.
Furthermore, it is known that there is a strong association between viral respiratory infections and asthma attacks.
Asthma treatment
Within the treatment of asthma is the follow-up by the GP or pulmonologist, to avoid relapses or asthma attacks.
Different types of medications are used mostly inhalants. In many cases permanently, as a preventive medication, or at the time of the crises asthmatics. There are other routes of medication, such as oral and subcutaneous forms.
In mild seizures, treatment adjustment by the GP or pulmonologist is usually sufficient to cope with the acute moment. On occasions when seizures are more severe, urgent medical attention is required, including very occasionally hospital admission.
Finally, it can be said that stopping preventive medication by asthma patients often leads to potentially dangerous worsening.
What are the experts saying about the coronavirus and asthma?
The World Health Organization (WHO) includes asthma, as it is a chronic medical condition, among the group with the highest risk of becoming seriously ill when coronavirus infection is acquired. Other private experts also agree on this.
Also, viral respiratory infections are known to lead to worsening asthma. So the coronavirus could act in the same way as other known viruses.
For asthmatic people, during this time of the pandemic, it is recommended to take into account the general indications that have been given to the entire population, plus some particular issues. As in the seasonal flu season, the asthmatic patient must protect himself from the viral circulation.
It is appropriate to continue taking preventive medication if so indicated by your doctor. In case of not using it, it does not hurt to consult with the head professional about the convenience or not of starting it.
If it is necessary to attend an emergency department due to having an asthmatic crisis, it is recommended to take your inhalation medication, contact your GP or pulmonologist beforehand.
Control asthma to protect yourself from the coronavirus
It can be concluded that the most relevant recommendation in asthma patients will be, in addition to the general recommendations, to maintain good asthma control. This will minimize the risk of exacerbation, and the consequent visit to the emergency room. This will avoid leaving the confinement with the danger of exposure to the coronavirus. Published By HealthZigzag.com
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