Diarrheal bowel movements may be pasty at first, but then they end up being liquid. It is a picture characterized by the evacuation of pasty or liquid stools, with a frequency higher than normal (more than three a day). Which produces loss of minerals, nutrients, and water, which must be compensated [1].
Diarrhea may be accompanied by symptoms such as:
- fever
- nausea and vomiting
- food intolerance
- abdominal pain
One of the worst diarrhea is that of celiac disease: one or two daily stools, but very bulky and liquid.
It is very important to distinguish between chronic diarrhea (caused by some intestinal disorder or type of diet and acute diarrhea (of limited duration)
It is very important to know that diarrhea undress, so you should be aware of that situation and thus consult with the medical professional. Who will make a diagnosis and compensate for the loss of nutrients?
Feces in diarrhea contain:
- dead and living bacteria
- secretion products
- pieces of food not absorbed
- metabolites that interfere with the absorption of others
- gas
What are the causes of diarrhea?
The cause of diarrhea should always be diagnosed. The diagnosis is based on three criteria:
- stool observation
- associated symptomatology
- endoscopy
Many causes cause diarrhea.
The most frequent are:
- intestinal infections: caused by food poisoning
- food allergies
- inflammatory bowel diseases: ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel, Crohn’s disease, etc.
- food intolerances
- virus
- pancreatic insufficiency
- anxiety and stress
- medications: antibiotics, antacids, anti-inflammatories, etc.
- inadequate nutrition
Diarrhea and nutrition
Nutrition is closely related to diarrhea since there are foods that trigger them:
- excess concentrated sugars
- excess fiber intake
- a copious diet with legumes, salads, and dried or dried fruits
When a person suffers from diarrhea, each intake stimulates another bowel movement, even if the food is adequate [2]. Therefore, diarrhea is never desirable from the nutritional point of view.
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Types of diarrhea and nutritional recommendations
It is very important to distinguish between chronic diarrhea (usually caused by an intestinal disorder or type of diet) that eventually affects the general condition of the individual. With acute diarrhea, of limited duration whose frequent cause is food poisoning, a virus, bacteria, parasite or fungus.
In acute diarrhea, rehydration is essential, especially in children and the elderly and the expulsion of the virus or bacteria through feces.
During the first 24-48 hours, you should drink water and liquids such as:
- strained vegetable broths (rich in minerals)
- oral rehydration serum
- diluted lemon juice
- astringent tea
- adapted milk formulas or soy milk in the case of infants.
Then you must go forward with the incorporation of boiled rice, semolina, rice, chicken or water fish, toasted soft bread, yogurt, etc.
Thus the proper intestinal regimen reached, being in the acute phase very restrictive and without intestinal stimuli.
Evolution of the diet:
- Very rigorous: after 6 hours of total fasting (not having consumed any solid or liquid food): water, rice water, soft tea (without sugar or with very little amount). Every 2 to 4 hours drink half a glass of water (about 125 ml).
- Rigorous: incorporate rice flour or boiled rice. Healthzigzag recommends starting with small portions, between 3 to 4 tablespoons. If it is well-tolerated, after 3 to 4 hours, we can repeat but now adding fish or boiled chicken always in small portions.
- Moderate: integrate the above: yogurt, boiled potato, soup pasta, white toast, ham, boiled pear or apple, quince, and boiled carrot. Once all these foods tolerated, add progressively: chicken, white fish, beefsteak, banana, and pears. After a few days, mashed vegetables finally reaching the normal diet.
Foods that we should consume because they are astringent and anti-inflammatory:
- SOY MILK: very useful in infant feeding, in cases of diarrhea caused by allergy to cow’s milk protein (casein) or lactose intolerance.
- ALMOND MILK: A very nutritious drink in the case of diarrhea. When it affects infants being very well tolerated by the intestine.
- APPLE: It is one of the foods with greater healing power in cases of intestinal conditions and is due to the combination of pectins, tannins, and organic acids, roasted, grated or boiled, cuts diarrhea.
- OAT: in the form of porridge, it provides soluble fiber, protecting the mucosa and favoring its proper functioning since it regulates and normalizes intestinal transit.
- CAROB: rich in carbohydrates and astringent tannins, in the form of flours to make porridge.
- TAPIOCA: it is also flour. Which can be cooked in broths, softens and has an inflammatory action of the intestinal mucosa.
More Foods
- CHESTNUT: It is astringent and regulates intestinal transit.
- QUINCE: astringent and anti-inflammatory of the digestive tract. One of the first solid foods to be administered in cases of diarrhea.
- PERSIMMON: because it contains tannins, it is astringent (not very mature) and being rich in mucilages has a protective and softening action of the intestinal mucosa, favoring the healing of diarrhea.
- POMEGRANATE: astringent and anti-inflammatory fruit.
- LOQUAT: astringent and regulator of intestinal transit.
- BANANA: helps cut diarrhea, provides nutrients, and minerals, including potassium, which lost in cases of diarrhea.
- PAPAYA: Take it very maturely, it is beneficial since it is antiseptic, protective and softening of the mucosa.
- RICE: regulates intestinal transit and is very well tolerated.
- CARROT: helps cut diarrhea and normalize intestinal transit. The carrot is rich in pectins that absorb intestinal toxins. It is also protective of the mucosa. Beta carotene being antioxidant improves the health of intestinal mucosa cells.
- YOGURT: increases the defenses of the digestive tract, thus favoring the healing of gastrointestinal infections.
- BLUEBERRY: great astringent and antiseptic.
Foods to avoid in cases of diarrhea:
- JUICES OR FRUIT JUICES: industrial juices can themselves cause diarrhea. Natural juices have laxative action and can make diarrhea worse.
- MILK: when the mucosa is inflamed (in cases of diarrhea), the enzyme lactase is decreased. Therefore, the lactose present in milk cannot be digested by increasing inflammation.
- EGG: Eggs are not convenient because they can be carriers of bacteria that cause diarrhea. Once the acute phase is over, they can be consumed boiled.
- SEAFOOD: Seafood can also be the cause of intestinal infections, are a little digestible and worsen intestinal inflammation.
- SUGARS: its fermentation maintains the hyperactivity of the cecal (intestinal) flora.
- FIBER: accelerates traffic.
- SALADS: accelerate traffic, contain fiber and worsen the diarrheal picture.