human foods which your dogs can eat also
Dogs metabolize foods differently either then humans. That’s why some foods are unharmed for humans to eat but may be poisonous and deadly for dogs. So what can I feed my dog? Which vegetables dogs can eat? Which foods not good for dogs? Some human foods are safe and healthy for dogs as a treat. This article gives a survey of 10 human foods that your dogs can eat also.

This article gives survey of10 human foods that your dogs can eat.
10 human foods that your dogs can eat.
Dogs metabolize foods differently either then humans. That’s why some foods are unharmed for humans to eat but may be poisonous and deadly for dogs. So what can I feed my dog? Which vegetables dogs can eat? Which foods not good for dogs?
Some human foods are safe and healthy for dogs as a treat.
This article gives survey of 10 human foods that your dogs can eat.
1. Carrots: human foods which your dogs can eat also
cooked and raw, both are safe for your dog to consume. Carrots are a good source of vitamins and have low calories. Carrots also have fiber and minerals which makes them very well food for your dogs to munch on. Cut carrots in small pieces before you feed to your dogs to prevent retching.
2. Salt: human foods which your dogs can eat also
for your dog, a high amount of salt can be dangerous. So make a limit of salt in your dog’s food. Excessive salt in your dog’s food can lead to water deprivation or poisoning. Which can cause seizures, vomiting, diarrhea, and vomiting? To prevent harmful effects, don’t feed salty foods to your dogs, such as pretzels or chips. Drinking more water can prevent your dog from water deprivation.
3. Peanut Butter: human foods which your dogs can eat also
if your dog eats peanut butter in a safe amount then it is safe and healthy for your dog. Peanut butter is high in calories and fat. Feed peanut butter in the limit to your dog. If he eats too much then your dog can gain more weight. Peanut butter has salt inside added so make sure to feed your dog plain peanut butter. Try to feed organic peanut butter for your dog. Peanut butter cookies also available in markets. You can feed them that too.
4. Eggs: human foods which your dogs can eat also
Can I feed dogs egg? Yes, you can. Cooked eggs are nutritious and safe for dogs to eat. Eggs provide mineral and every vitamin, plus bundle of protein. There is no scientific evidence behind this but there are some claims that eggs help to reduce nausea in dogs. One important note here for you is that you don’t feed raw eggs to your dogs. Your dog will not get sick by eating raw eggs but, bacteria, like “Salmonella”, can spread from dog to its owner.
5. Salmon: human foods which your dogs can eat also
Raw fish is not good for the health of dogs. Feed them cooked and boneless fish which is a safe and nutritious food for your dog. Salmon have omega-3 fatty acids, which help to reduce inflammation and keep your dog’s fur healthy. Raw salmon can be fatal for your dogs because it contains the parasite.
6. Cheese: human foods which your dogs can eat also
In a small quantity, your dog can eat cheese also. Cheese has fat and lactose content inside so your dog may have digestive symptoms after eating it. And it can cause stomach pain and diarrhea .mozzarella is a low-fat cheese, so it could be a good choice for your dog.
7.Blueberries: human foods which your dogs can eat also
Blueberries are healthy food for dogs. They are nutritious for dogs to eat.
blueberries are full of fiber, minerals, and vitamins, which are very good for your dog’s health. Blueberries help to fight against antioxidants and provide a great number of minerals and fiber to your dog.
8. Banana: human foods which your dogs can eat also
Are bananas bad for dogs? No, they are not. Eating bananas for a dog are ok but only as a treat not regularly.
bananas are a good source of vitamin B6, copper, biotin, and fiber. But due to sugar in bananas, your dog should eat it as a treat only.
Bananas are difficult to digest and it may lead your dog to constipation. Never feed banana peel to your dog because it is very dangerous for your dog’s health.
9. Popcorn: human foods which your dogs can eat also
As an occasional treat, it is fine to eat popcorns for dogs. Salt, oil, and butter are often included in popcorn, oil and butter are high in fat which can cause pancreatitis if over-eat.
so it is better to only feed air-popped, plain popcorn. Provide your dog only fully pooped popcorns because popcorn kernels can be stuck in your dog’s teeth which can cause a choking hazard.
10. Pineapple: human foods which your dogs can eat also
You can include pineapple in your dog’s food but a small amount. Pineapple is full of many minerals, vitamins, and fiber which make it a perfect snack for your dog.
if they eat an extra amount of pineapple then like other foods dogs may lead to symptoms like diarrhea and nausea. It is safe and healthy to feed your dog a small amount of pineapple at one time.
The Bottom Line
Some foods are good, healthy, and safe for your dogs to consume, on the other hand some are unhealthy, harmful and could be deadly too.
By introducing all foods into your dog’s diet gradually you can monitor him for side effects like allergic reactions.
Feeding a moderate food to your dog can help to prevent weight gain and other side effects. All dogs are different so just keep in mind that one dog may experience advert effects while another tolerates a food just fine.
Ask your veterinarian, if you have any questions about the serving portion of foods to feed to your dog.