10 Breakfast Ideas: Less Than 100 Calories
Chocolate bread or croissant? Muesli or banana? As many questions as we sometimes ask when we want to eat light in the morning.
It can not be repeated enough that breakfast is the first meal of the day, but most importantly! Why? Because it allows you to refuel energy to start the day off right, and thus avoid the cravings in the middle of the morning [1].
If it is not recommended to leave home empty stomach, no question of eating anything! It is quite possible to enjoy a good breakfast without gaining weight. For that, we put on proteins, vitamins, fibers or even calcium!
But which foods that can enhance this meal contain the least amount of calories? Fruits, like bananas or apples, are true allies to keep the line while being satiated!
Do you know which foods are superfoods? If you still don’t know about them then read this article, The link is given below.
50 Foods That Are Super Healthy
If pastries are generally banned when you monitor your weight, it is possible to indulge from time to time with a croissant or a bread with milk, which contains much fewer calories than chocolate bread for example.
Exit the sandwiches at breakfast when you are running out of calories? Not necessarily! Embellished with butter or jam, they are surprisingly less caloric … a banana! No way to abuse it, because the fruits are better for health, beyond calories.
Here are 10 Breakfast Ideas: Less Than 100 Calories
In addition to being rich in vitamin C and fiber, the orange is low in calories, since it contains only about 45 kcal. Whole or in a hurry, this fruit is a great ally to refuel and start the day … without taking a gram!
If you want to know which foods are rich in vitamin C then read our article, the link is given below:
10 Foods That Are Rich In Vitamin C
Widely used in diets because it contains only 55 kcal, the apple is known for its appetite-suppressant effect. This fruit also has a beneficial effect on the secretion of insulin. It is very useful for breakfast, to avoid cravings!
Natural yogurt
We know that yogurts contain calcium. But that’s not all: they are also a source of protein, very satisfying! The other asset of yogurts? They are only low calorie since they contain about 65 kcal per 100g.
Buttered toast
Eat a buttered sandwich without fat, it is possible! For this, we opt for bread, less caloric than white bread, and why not light butter. Be careful not to abuse it: a sandwich for breakfast, which brings about 80 kcal, is enough!
A slice of jam
If the jam contains fruit, it also contains sugar. This is why a slice of jam brings as many calories as buttered bread, about 80 kcal! To eat without feeling guilty, it is advisable, again, to opt for bread!
Rich in fiber, the banana is satiating. It also brings vitamins and energy. A good reason to consume this fruit for breakfast, especially since it only contains about 90 kcal!
Fruit compote
To eat fruits by varying the pleasures, the compote is ideal. Apple, pear, strawberry, peach or a mixture of these different fruits, everything is allowed! And for good reason: when it contains only a few added sugars, the compote is not very caloric (about 100 kcal per 100g).
A slice of bread with milk
Among the fewer calorie pastries, there is the bread with milk, which contains 100 kcal. Often decorated with a square of dark chocolate, it can also be enjoyed alone (it is also recommended to keep the line!). If the bread is less fat than chocolate bread, no way to abuse it!
Rich in protein, eggs is satiating and low in calories: 100g equivalent to about 145 kcal. Blurred, boiled, flat … It offers more possibilities that will probably brighten your breakfast!
The croissant is also part of the lower-calorie pastries since it contains about 195 kcal. The ideal to have fun from time to time! All is not to forget that it is rich in butter, and therefore must be consumed reasonably.
The Bottom Line:
Don’t skip your breakfast ever but if you are health conscious and want to be fit then try these 10 Breakfast Ideas: Less Than 100 Calories.