- 1 Lose weight if you are overweight or obese to get rid of knee pain
- 2 Do regular sports to get rid of knee pain fast
- 3 Put on ice if you have severe pain
- 4 Use a moist heat source in case of chronic pain
- 5 Take over-the-counter medications to get rid of knee pain
- 6 Consume more omega-3 fatty acids to get rid of knee pain
- 7 Take chondroitin and glucosamine supplements
- 8 Get prescribed drugs
- 9 Learn about steroid injections
- 10 Try acupuncture
- 11 Consider surgery as a last resort

How To Get Rid Of Knee Pain Fast: Home Remedies And Medical Treatment
Knee pain is quite frequent and affects people of all ages, but it almost always happens for different reasons. In the youngest age group, it is usually an injury, such as ligament sprain, tendonitis or meniscus rupture. Already among the older ones, some problems like arthritis, infections, and gout are a more common cause of pain [1]. Most can be treated at home, but in some cases, it is essential to resort to medical treatment, including surgery.
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Get rid of knee pain fast at home by applying these remedies.
Lose weight if you are overweight or obese to get rid of knee pain
Overweight people, especially those with fatness, are more likely to have knee pain due to compression of the joints. This increased pressure tires the knee over time (in the case of arthritis) and also causes more irritation and damage to the tendons and ligaments [2]. Also, those who are obese are at higher risk of developing a flat foot (a physical condition where the sole completely touches the ground when the person is standing), resulting in the appearance of knock knees (malposition of the knees) and exerts more pressure on the outer sides of the joint. Weight loss relieves this pressure and reduces pain.
- The safest and most effective way to lose weight is to reduce your calorie intake by 500 calories a day, which can cause you to lose about 2 kg per month [3]. Although physical activity is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle, eating healthy is much more important and has many more benefits when it comes to weight loss.
- Gradually increase your aerobic exercise sessions (such as walking light, climbing stairs or biking) while reducing your caloric intake.
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Do regular sports to get rid of knee pain fast
The practice of a physical activity is important to strengthen the muscles around the knees, which act as a secondary damper. As a result, the stronger your muscles (especially the quadriceps, the posterior muscles of the calf and thigh), the more they can absorb the impact [4]. That said, not all exercises are good for the knees, especially if you already have pain in the area. High-intensity activities such as light jogging, running, tennis and climbing stairs will only make the pain worse. Therefore, focus only on simple exercises such as walking and cycling, outdoors and in a gym. Regular sports helps you to get rid of knee pain fast.
- Some gymnastic exercises strengthen the quadriceps (anterior muscles of the thigh), the hamstrings and the calf without exerting strong pressure on the knee joint. These are mini squats, pressure and leg extensions. They should not cause pain and involve knee flexion that does not exceed 45 degrees.
- Discuss with a personal trainer or physiotherapist isometric knee exercises, such as assisted flexion, that do not require high joint movements.
- Replace high-impact activities with water aerobics and swimming. The buoyancy of the water reduces pressure on the knees but is a great way to work the leg muscles. Also, swimming is perfect for losing weight.
Put on ice if you have severe pain
If the pain is a sudden result of trauma and inflammation, use cold therapy (using ice cubes, crushed ice, ice packs, or packets of frozen vegetables) to reduce pain and discomfort. swelling [5]. Ice compresses the vessels (referred to as vasoconstriction) located near the surface of the epidermis, reducing blood flow and thus controlling inflammation. A ligament or meniscal tear (cartilage) is a common acute lesion and causes acute and throbbing pain.
- Use cold knee therapy for ten to fifteen minutes or until the area becomes numb. At first, do it 3 to 5 times a day until symptoms decrease.
- Always wrap the crushed ice or cold compresses in a thin cloth before applying to the skin to avoid skin irritation or frostbite.
- Apply your cold compress on the most painful and inflamed part of the knee. Usually, you should do it on the sides of the face of the hinge axis, where are the ligaments and tendons.
Use a moist heat source in case of chronic pain
Chronic pain (ongoing pain that lasts) is usually due to arthritis, including osteoarthritis, caused by cartilage wear. Osteoarthritis causes a dull pain, morning stiffness, and a lot of creak noise when walking, but low swelling [6]. In this case, the use of a source of heat and moisture is preferable to cold therapy because it dilates the blood vessels near the knee, improving circulation and reducing stiffness. Ideally, use microwave-based herbal tea bags (usually filled with wheat, bulgur or rice), especially when they also contain aromatic compounds extracted from plants (such as lavender). Moist heat sources help you to get rid of knee pain fast and easily.
- Place your herb pouch in the microwave for a few minutes and apply it early in the morning to the painful area or after a prolonged period of inactivity. Leave on for 15 to 20 minutes, 3 to 5 times a day. Avoid using electric heat sources as they can dehydrate skin and muscles around the knee.
- Another option is to let the lower limbs soaked in a warm bath of water with Epsom salts, which help relieve stiffness and pain. Epsom salt is rich in magnesium.
- The use of a heat source may not be effective for treating problems involving excessive inflammation, such as psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout attacks or bursitis.
Take over-the-counter medications to get rid of knee pain
Try using non-prescription anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen, aspirin, or naproxen for short-term relief from chronic or acute pain [7]. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as paracetamol help relieve mild to moderate pain caused by arthritis, but they do not have much effect on inflammation [8].
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be aggressive for the kidneys and stomach. Therefore, do not consume them long (more than a few weeks). Take medication with food or after a meal to reduce the risk of stomach irritation.
- Prolonged use of painkillers can be harmful to the liver. Therefore, always follow the recommendations of the package leaflet or doctor. Never take them with alcohol.
- Also, for safety (though not always as effective), apply an ointment or gel-based on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or paracetamol on a sore knee.
- Most natural ointments usually contain capsaicin or menthol, which distracts the brain from pain and tingles.
Consume more omega-3 fatty acids to get rid of knee pain
Dietary factors contribute significantly to joint pain, especially those that support a lot of weight, such as knees. For example, a diet rich in refined sugars is often associated with knee pain, while a diet rich in omega-3 reduces discomfort due to the anti-inflammatory effects of the nutrient [9]. This nutrient is even more effective at fighting knee pain due to arthritis. Consuming omega-3 fatty acids will be very beneficial to get rid of knee pain.
- The main omega-3 fatty acids found in food products are α-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). That said, our diet tends to be poor in these elements.
- Freshwater fish, plants and nut oils are the main sources.
- EPA and DHA are found in salmon, tuna, and mackerel, while ALA is found in canola, flaxseed, soybean, pumpkin and hemp seeds, and walnuts [10].
- Another option is to consume fish oil or seed oil supplements to combat discomfort. The ideal dosage is usually 1,000 mg, 2 or 3 times a day.
Take chondroitin and glucosamine supplements
These compounds are found naturally in all joints of the body. Glucosamine, in particular, is needed for joint lubrication, while chondroitin is important for fluid absorption through cartilage and shock. These two compounds can be consumed in the form of food supplements. Research suggests that they help reduce arthritis pain, especially in joints that support a lot of weight, such as knees [11] [12] [13].
- In addition to relieving discomfort, glucosamine also improves knee mobility in mild to moderate osteoarthritis.
- Glucosamine sulfate is usually made from crustaceans and mollusks, which can lead to allergies. Glucosamine hydrochloride is safer and is made from plant sources.
- To get rid of this problem, take 500 mg of a supplement combination 3 or 4 times a day. You can opt for addition as a liquid and not a tablet or powder. Remember that it can take at least 2 months to get meaningful results.
How you can get rid of knee pain by taking medical treatment?
Now we will discuss how you can get rid of knee pain by taking a different kind of medical treatments.
Get prescribed drugs
Call your doctor’s office to make an appointment to diagnose the cause of the pain. He will perform a physical examination and order an x-ray and blood tests to confirm the diagnosis. If over-the-counter or home remedies are not effective, ask the health care provider to prescribe more powerful medications.
- The selective inhibitors of cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) or coxibs are powerful nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are less irritating to the stomach [14]. Usually, they are prescribed to treat osteoarthritis of the knee.
- Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are usually prescribed to relieve pain and halt the course of rheumatoid arthritis by slowing down the immune system [15]. The most common is methotrexate.
Learn about steroid injections
An injection of corticosteroids in the affected area can quickly relieve pain and inflammation, but also increase range of motion and flexibility [16]. These hormones act as powerful anti-inflammatories in the body and are usually administered in the joints under local anesthesia. This procedure must be performed by an orthopedic surgeon. The most commonly prescribed synthetic steroids are cortisone, dexamethasone, prednisolone, and triamcinolone. The effects are almost always short-term: the relief lasts from a few weeks to a few months.
- If you consider this option, you should receive a maximum of one injection every three months to avoid a deterioration of the knee faster.
- The possible risks of this therapy are: infections, tendon weakness, bleeding, local muscle atrophy, irritation or nerve damage.
- Injections can be very expensive if your health insurance does not cover this treatment. So, check with your insurance company.
Try acupuncture
Acupuncture involves inserting very thin needles at certain strategic energy points on the skin to relieve discomfort, reduce inflammation and stimulate the healing process [17]. According to research, this approach can relieve some forms of knee pain and improve joint function, especially in people with osteoarthritis [18]. The treatment is relatively affordable, has always been safe and may be worth trying if it fits your budget. Also, some acupuncture sessions covered by health insurance if they performed by a doctor.
- Acupuncture seems to reduce inflammation and pain by stimulating the release of hormones. Such as serotonin and other substances called endorphins.
- Today, acupuncture practiced by other health professionals, including general practitioners, chiropractors, physiotherapists, naturopaths, and massage therapists. Regardless, make sure your practitioner is certified by a professional body.
Consider surgery as a last resort
If the pain persists despite home remedies, medications and alternative treatments, consult your doctor to discuss the pros and cons of an operation. The procedure considered only in severe cases of arthritis and to treat major trauma, such as ligament, meniscus, tendon rupture and fractures. There are several surgical options, including arthroscopy and total and partial arthroplasties [19].
- Arthroscopy is a technique that involves inserting a small incision instrument with a camera (arthroscope) into the affected knee joint to clean broken cartilage and repair ligaments. The duration of convalescence is very short (one or two weeks) depending on the extent of the damage.
- Synovectomy involves removing the inflamed layer of the joint with rheumatoid arthritis.
- Osteotomy involves the realignment of the bones that form the knee joint, that is, the tibia and femur.
- As for arthroplasty, it is a total or partial replacement of the knee. It involves replacing cartilage or damaged bone with an artificial plastic or metal joint.
- Turmeric powder is an excellent natural substitute for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It helps relieve inflammation and joint pain, making it an excellent NSAID such as ibuprofen. Apply to the affected area 600 to 1000 mg daily in divided doses, but it is important to discuss it first with the doctor.
- Injections of hyaluronic acid are an excellent natural substitute for those of corticosteroids. Veterinarians often use it to lubricate joints and improve joint movement. The injection administered weekly for three to five weeks.
- Drink a lot of water. Water essential for the proper functioning of the joints. Drink eight glasses of purified water a day to keep them well lubricated.
- Try all these methods mentioned above to get rid of knee pain fast.