Diseases of the digestive system in children may have a genetic, viral, bacterial or unknown origin. It is important to be attentive to the symptoms to remedy in time.
Diseases that affect the digestive system of children can occur in any organ that makes up this apparatus. The food we eat must undergo a process of transformation until it becomes molecules of cellular utilization. These changes begin in the mouth with chewing, continue through the esophagus to the stomach. Where gastric juices break them down into smaller particles.
The small intestine, specifically in the intestinal villi, is the organ of the digestive system where nutrient absorption occurs. Finally, the diagestión ends in the large intestine and the anus with the elimination of those products that we discard.
Other glands such as the pancreas and gallbladder or organs such as the liver also participate in this process. Producing juices that help the transformation of nutrients. Any alteration during the process makes digestion difficult. In some cases, we can face diseases of the digestive system is very serious children.
Mild diseases of the digestive system in children
Herpetic gingivostomatitis
It is a contagious disease. Caused by infection with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). It is its primary manifestation. In adults, exteriorized with typical herpes in the labial area. In children, it causes very painful ulcerative lesions inside the mouth and the surface of the tongue.
Gastroesophageal reflux occurs when part of the stomach contents returned to the esophagus if the esophageal sphincter does not close properly. In infants, this continued reflux accompanied by vomiting can irritate the area, weight loss and, rarely, respiratory problems.
Infectious Gastroenteritis
Infectious gastroenteritis is a contagious disease by taking contaminated food or by sucking objects from another sick child. It is a very common disease in kindergartens that involves abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and fever. It, usually caused by 24-hour transient viruses (rotavirus).
Moderate diseases of the digestive system in children
Celiac Disease
It is a digestive disorder with a marked genetic component. Celiac disease affects the intestinal villi of the small intestine produced by the intake of gluten. In the most extreme cases, children may suffer from severe malnutrition. That is reflected by stunted growth, rickets, and even mood swings. The treatment is the withdrawal of gluten from the diet.
Lactose intolerance
We can suffer in this disease throughout our lives but, if it appears at an early age, it can lead to an insufficiency of calcium and vitamin D. It is manifested by abdominal swelling, diarrhea, and gas after the intake of lactic products. In most cases, in children, it is not necessary to remove lactose altogether but to restrict their intake and make changes in the diet.
Serious diseases of the digestive system in children
It is an inflammation of the appendix caused by an infection. It is usually quite painful. So we can detect it in time before the gland explodes, causing perforation or peritonitis. The solution is to practice an emergency appendectomy to remove it. The recovery in children is not very long and the operation is not very traumatic because it is not a vital organ.
Hirschsprung disease
This disease affects the colon of children between 1 and 3 years of age. It manifests with severe constipation that makes it difficult for you to empty your large intestine. Occasionally, it can be complicated by enterocolitis and come with vomiting. Generally, it requires surgery but, in most cases, the cure is complete.
Chronic disease, one of the most important diseases of the digestive system in children
It is a chronic disease that mainly affects the small intestine. It has inflammation and sores that can sometimes spread to the large intestine or affect the entire digestive system. The causes are unknown, but it seems to be related to an affectation of the immune system, so, for seasons, patients suffer rebounds.
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