5 great details that do matter to get pregnant To get pregnant we need something as simple (and at the same time so miraculous if you think about it) as the union of two cells. One from the man and the other from the woman. The natural thing is that…
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Although many people nowadays talk about sex with a more open mind, there are still doubts that come from the taboo around this type of subject. Which are the most frequent? Discover them! Next, we will present the 10 frequently asked questions about sex that come most frequently to sexology…
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Hygiene after sexual encounters is essential to prevent infections. Besides, it allows you to fully enjoy intimate encounters. What must be considered? Hygiene after sex is a fundamental aspect that many couples must consider to avoid certain infections. The latter, although more frequent in women, can also affect men. However,…
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There are 9 types of nipples, which ones do you have? : Different types of nipples vary according to shape, size, areola, and even color. In total there are 9 types of nipples in the world, what is yours? Many types of nipples are distinguished by their shape. They can…
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Treatment of a ruptured ovarian cyst An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac that forms on an ovary or inside an ovary. In some cases, the cyst can rupture and open (rupture). The rupture of a cyst can be treated in several ways. You may just need to track your…
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Types of breasts Most people distinguish between a small breast and a large breast and are unaware that there is a huge range of options between these two types of breasts. The shape, fullness, texture, and certain circumstances such as weight loss or pregnancy are characteristics that must be considered…
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Anemia in pregnancy Blood is the fluid that circulates through the heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries of the body. It removes waste and carbon dioxide from the tissues and provides them with nutrition, electrolytes, hormones, vitamins, antibodies, heat and oxygen. What is anemia? Anemia is a condition that occurs from…
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10 Reasons to Start Baby Wearing As a parent, you would naturally love your little one by all your heart. But, sometimes they can be quite a handful, especially if you don’t know how to react or treat them. If there is a magic genie granting you a wish, as…
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10 Early Signs Of Pregnancy Apart from the pregnancy test, do you know what are the most frequent early signs that you are expecting a baby? The pregnancy tests are, along with a visit to the doctor or gynecologist. The most accurate way to determine whether or not we are…
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Pregnancy can be an overwhelming experience and can bring a dramatic shift in any woman’s life. Becoming a mom is not limited to you anymore but also to love, health, care, and devotion to the little one. When it comes to the physical state of the body, it is necessary…
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Depression and anxiety during pregnancy and after childbirth: frequently asked questions Depression and anxiety that appear during pregnancy or at any time during the first year after the birth of your baby are medical conditions. These feelings are not something you caused by doing or not doing something. And they…
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