We all are facing the impact of the new coronavirus disease, COVID-19. It is spreading more and more around the world. And as we are learning more about this disease, experts are constantly coming up with new updates about it. While everyone is at some risk of catching the COVID-19,…
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What are the factors that can delay the spread of COVID-19? Solar radiation, humidity, and temperature are identified as factors that can delay the spread of COVID-19. In any case, these are experiments carried out under difficult to match conditions in real life, so the results should be taken with…
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Recommendations on coronavirus for people with asthma Control of asthma in patients with asthma is essential for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic. Asthmatics are a risk group that must take particular precautions. Coronavirus can cause anything from mild symptoms to severe and even fatal respiratory illness. What, then, will…
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Can pregnant women pass the coronavirus to their babies? The few scientific studies carried out so far on pregnancy and COVID-19 do not suggest that pregnant women can transmit the coronavirus to their babies. We tell you what is known so far in this article. The coronavirus pandemic has shown…
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Coronavirus in children: everything you need to know Coronavirus in children can be an infection that is asymptomatic but be careful and pay attention to the symptoms. Also, children are large community transmitters of COVID-19, so they must also comply with preventive isolation. The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is the virus that…
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