Home Remedies For Vaginal Discharge

Home Remedies For Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge can be treated naturally with the use of guava leaf tea and through the inclusion in the diet of certain natural foods. This helps the vaginal flora return to normal. However, if the flow persists after 3 days of home treatment, it is advisable to go to the…

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Moebius syndrome: what does it consist of?

Moebius Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Moebius syndrome is a rare disease that is characterized clinically by the lack of a smile. It does not happen for lack of happiness, but for the impossibility of making the gesture of laughter [1]. Moebius syndrome is a rare and rare pathology, although it seems that its incidence is…

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Black Toenails: How To Treat Them?

Black Toenails: How To Treat Them?

Black toenails are known among runner athletes, but there are other causes that cause them. Although many times they can be resolved at home, it is indicated to consult with a professional. Let’s see in this article how they originate and how they are treated. Black toenails are not rare….

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The 50 best natural remedies for common health problems

The 50 best natural remedies for common health problems

The 50 best natural remedies for common health problems (some delicious, all effective) Natural remedies are no longer a complement to drugs. For more and more people, the best way to combat – and prevent – diseases of modern times is with some doses of nature. It is significant that,…

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Reverse hair loss with 3 home remedies

Reverse Hair Loss With 3 Home Remedies

Reverse hair loss with 3 home remedies Many people suffer from abundant hair loss. But can this be treated with home remedies? Finding a way to reverse hair loss naturally is the dream of many people who are still unaware of the cause of this problem. Occasionally, hair loss may…

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Health Benefits Of Eating Oranges

10 Health Benefits Of Eating Oranges

10 Health Benefits Of Eating Oranges Like a freshly squeezed juice for breakfast, in segments as a snack or as a filling in a summer salad. The orange is not only tasty but also versatile. But did you know that the sweet fruit also has many health benefits? These vitamin…

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Vitamin D deficit in children: a growing problem?

Vitamin D Deficit in Children: A Growing Problem

Vitamin D deficit has been known for a long time; however, it has gained greater concern and interest in recent times and, in particular, when it occurs in children. Research on vitamin D has had a growing role lately; in particular, associated with the study of diseases that, in addition…

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How to lose weight with green tea

When to drink green tea?

Green tea, usually consumed throughout the world, is a drink that is most beneficial to the body that has many uses. Its first known use was to flavor the water and, as its great properties were discovered. It also began to be used as a medicinal tonic. Today, and due…

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How to use salicylic acid for acne

How to use salicylic acid for acne

How to use salicylic acid for acne Topical salicylic acid is one of the main natural agents that exist to fight acne. Thanks to its composition, this solid and colorless acid penetrate the skin to remove dead cells and clean the pores in-depth. Which is why it is considered a…

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Marjoram essential oil: properties and uses

Marjoram essential oil: properties and uses

Marjoram essential oil: properties and uses Marjoram ( Origanum majorana ), also called mayorana or marjorama, is an aromatic plant belonging to the same family as mint or wild thyme. Although botanically it is closely related to oregano, marjoram differs as a species, as it has gray-green leaves and shell-shaped…

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How to clean the tonsils

How to clean the tonsils?

How to clean the tonsils? The human immune system has various organs responsible for rejecting, fighting and eliminating antibodies that can cause infections in the body. One of them is the tonsils, those small masses of tissue that are at the bottom of the throat. The tonsils stop the pathogens…

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How to clean the kidneys with parsley

How to clean the kidneys with parsley?

How to clean the kidneys with parsley The proper functioning of all the organs of the human body depends, to a large extent, on the habits and lifestyle of each person. As you well know, each part of the organism has a mission to fulfill. It depends on your particular…

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natural remedies for inflammation

5 Natural Remedies For Inflammation

5 natural remedies for inflammation Inflammation weakens our immunity, makes us feel tired and increases the likelihood of serious illness. According to Harvard Medical School, a process associated with a chronic inflammatory response plays a central role in the development of serious diseases. Including rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, heart disease, diabetes,…

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what is biotin

What is biotin?

What is biotin? Many myths have been built around biotin, mainly because it has been promoted as a component with important cosmetic effects. There is not enough evidence that it generates all the benefits awarded to it. Biotin is a type of vitamin B that helps transform the carbohydrates, fats,…

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Are saturated fats bad for your health?

Are saturated fats bad for your health?

Saturated fats cause health problems when consumed in excess. It is appropriate to limit their consumption to a reduced proportion so that they do not cause undesirable effects on the body. Saturated fats are one of the types of dietary fats that exist and eventually cause health problems. They are…

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Vitamin A: For Skin and Health Benefits

Vitamin A: For Skin and Health Benefits

Vitamin A: For Skin and Health Benefits The human body needs essential vitamins and minerals for maintaining optimal levels of skin and health. So, you need to follow a diet rich in nutrients and take vitamin supplements to make sure your body is getting enough vitamins. Besides helping your skin…

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3 teas to relieve stomach ache faster

3 teas to relieve stomach ache faster

3 teas to relieve stomach ache faster Drinking mint tea, mallow or melon seeds can be useful to relieve discomfort caused by pain or burning sensation in the stomach, because they have soothing properties that act on the digestive system, reducing pain. While the individual has pain and burning in…

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protein powder

What are the best supplements for sports nutrition

There are several types of supplements for sports nutrition. Each with different qualities. That is why you must know them and know how they can benefit you. To have a sculptural body, it is not only enough to exercise and maintain a healthy diet. Those who dedicated to keeping their…

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Food for babies and school age kids

Food For Babies and Children: A Balanced Diet

Food for babies and children: a balanced diet Babies and children consume a lot of energy and need a good balance between nutrients and proteins. A varied diet consisting of the five food groups will ensure healthy growth for your baby. Bread, rice, potatoes, and pasta Foods that contain starch…

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World Cancer Day: latest advances

World Cancer Day is an initiative of international health organizations to promote prevention and research on this pathology. We tell you in this article what are the latest advances in oncology. To note the presence of this terrible disease, and raise awareness about the need to prevent and investigate it,…

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