3 teas to relieve stomach ache faster

3 teas to relieve stomach ache faster

3 teas to relieve stomach ache faster Drinking mint tea, mallow or melon seeds can be useful to relieve discomfort caused by pain or burning sensation in the stomach, because they have soothing properties that act on the digestive system, reducing pain. While the individual has pain and burning in…

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protein powder

What are the best supplements for sports nutrition

There are several types of supplements for sports nutrition. Each with different qualities. That is why you must know them and know how they can benefit you. To have a sculptural body, it is not only enough to exercise and maintain a healthy diet. Those who dedicated to keeping their…

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Food for babies and school age kids

Food For Babies and Children: A Balanced Diet

Food for babies and children: a balanced diet Babies and children consume a lot of energy and need a good balance between nutrients and proteins. A varied diet consisting of the five food groups will ensure healthy growth for your baby. Bread, rice, potatoes, and pasta Foods that contain starch…

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World Cancer Day: latest advances

World Cancer Day is an initiative of international health organizations to promote prevention and research on this pathology. We tell you in this article what are the latest advances in oncology. To note the presence of this terrible disease, and raise awareness about the need to prevent and investigate it,…

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Folic acid or Vitamin B9

Folic Acid or Vitamin B9: Functions, Sources, Deficiency

Folic Acid, formerly known as vitamin B9, this compound is important for the proper formation of blood cells. It is a component of some enzymes necessary for the formation of red blood cells. Their presence keeps the skin healthy and prevents anemia. Its presence is closely related to that of…

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common misconceptions about dental implants

A list of common misconceptions about dental implants

In Houston dental implants are one of the best alternatives to replace a missing tooth. However, it does require one to have healthy gums. The main advantage of this surgery is an improvement in the appearance since it is customized to be a perfect fit and fused with the bone….

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10 Reasons to Start Baby Wearing

10 Reasons to Start Baby Wearing

10 Reasons to Start Baby Wearing As a parent, you would naturally love your little one by all your heart. But, sometimes they can be quite a handful, especially if you don’t know how to react or treat them. If there is a magic genie granting you a wish, as…

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Constipation during your pregnancy

10 Early Signs Of Pregnancy

10 Early Signs Of Pregnancy Apart from the pregnancy test, do you know what are the most frequent early signs that you are expecting a baby? The pregnancy tests are, along with a visit to the doctor or gynecologist. The most accurate way to determine whether or not we are…

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Fruits that help take care of your heart

Fruits that help take care of your heart

If you want to take care of your heart you must know that there are fruits that you can include in your diet and that can help you. Discover what they are! Fruits are essential foods for our health because they provide us with numerous benefits. Thanks to the number…

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Natural treatments for vulvar mycosis

Natural treatments for vulvar mycosis

Natural treatments for vulvar mycosis Very common, vulvar yeast infections, or vaginal yeast infections, are mild infections. However, the symptoms that accompany this ailment are bothersome and painful. Fortunately, genital yeast is easy to treat. Besides, there are many natural remedies to overcome it. Find out everything you need to…

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Dementia – Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

What is dementia? Dementia is a syndrome that is characterized by the progressive deterioration of cognitive functions. Including memory, reasoning, language, and social skills, to the point of interfering with the patient’s normal life activities. Dementia is not a disease in itself, but a term that encompasses a set of…

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How to lose a pound a day

How to lose a pound a day

How to lose a pound a day Losing weight can be an annoying and long process. According to doctors, the healthiest way to do this is to lose no more than 0.5 to 1 kg per week  [1]. However, if you absolutely must lose a lot of weight in a…

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Types of pregnancy: Diseases and complications in pregnancy

Types of pregnancy: Diseases and complications in pregnancy

Various types of pregnancy can negatively influence the normal course of the gestation process. For this reason, we recommend performing adequate control during this stage. When the gestation stage begins, there may be many doubts, mainly when it comes to a new mother. This stage requires various care and control…

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Secrets About Quinoa

12 Secrets About Quinoa You Need To Find Out

Have you ever heard about the wonderful quinoa? Quinoa is a whole grain and one of the superfoods. And quinoa is one of the world’s most popular healthy foods. Do you know why? Because not only is it high in protein, but it contains all the essential amino acids. Let’s…

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All You Need To Know About Apitherapy

All You Need To Know About Apitherapy

Apitherapy. Have you heard about apitherapy, honey? We will discuss briefly in this article that what it is and what are the advantages. Yes, apitherapy comes from the word alternative and therapy. This means apitherapy honey is an alternative therapy that comes from honey. In simple words, it is the…

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Foods That Will Increase Your Energy Levels

5 Foods That Will Increase Your Energy Levels

Foods That Will Increase Your Energy Levels Lack of energy can cause several problems during your day. If you are a working person an ideal situation for you is to work with full energy and determination. There is one point in the day where you will feel the lack of…

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Yoga And Meditation For Grieving

Yoga And Meditation For Grieving

Yoga And Meditation For Grieving At the time when someone is grieving, it is natural for them to seek comfort. So that they can come to terms with what happened to them. They need to find peace and it is important they do that at the earliest. In times like…

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What Is Coronavirus? Symptoms, Treatment And Prevention

What Is Coronavirus? Symptoms, Treatment And Prevention Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses known since the 1960s, which can infect humans and other animals. Human coronaviruses are common worldwide. They usually cause mild to moderate respiratory illnesses. It is estimated that up to 10% of common cold cases…

How to repair liver damage

How To Repair Liver Damage?

How to repair liver damage? The function of the liver is to filter toxins from the body, process nutrients, and help the body fight infections. Although it is a strong and resistant organ, certain factors can damage it, including alcohol, drugs, inflammation, medication and poor nutrition. Unlike other organs, the…

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Apricots as a Good Food Booster During Pregnancy

Apricots as a Good Food Booster During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be an overwhelming experience and can bring a dramatic shift in any woman’s life. Becoming a mom is not limited to you anymore but also to love, health, care, and devotion to the little one. When it comes to the physical state of the body, it is necessary…

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